miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

Proxy Pattern Deep Dive

Everybody knows the proxy pattern, but how can you use it effectively? What kinds of proxy patterns are available and how can you build patterns more effectively with these? Why is reflection needed for this? Most importantly, how can we only use the Core JDK?

In this talk we will start from the basics and move straight on to DynamicProxies, Dynamic-/Static-ObjectAdapter, DynamicStaticProxies at runtime and more.
Would it influence your team members to start using functional aspects in your Core Java Project?
How we can combine this with other pattern, Invokedynamic or maybe with another language such as Kotlin?

We will have a detailed view on the possibilities to reduce the amount of code with this Pattern, and we will see how we could make it more generic.
One of the main points will be the combination of this patterns with for example NestedBuilder-Pattern and more.
After this you will have a better understanding of this pattern group from the practical point of usage. All pattern are build up from scratch, to give a feeling of the way to develop your own pattern based on this talk, or how you could change it for the needs of your project.

We will have a deep dive into this pattern group, which I am sure you will enjoy. This talk is based on the German book "Dynamic Proxies" written by Dr. Heinz Kabutz and myself.

About Sven Ruppert:
Sven spent almost 20 years as a consultant worldwide in automotive, aerospace, insurance, banking, UN and WorldBank before joining JFrog as a developer advocate. Sven has been giving lectures at international conferences and regularly publishing online and in classic magazines and books for nearly ten years. As a developer advocate for JFrog, Sven deals with DevSecOps, cybersecurity and cyberdefense, and traditional developer topics such as Core Java/Kotlin, mutation, and distributed unit testing.


martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022

September 2022: Groogle, when Google meet Groovy

After the summer break we restart our monthly-ish meetups. In this time Jorge Aguilera (@pvidasoftware) will give a talk in ENGLISH about Groogle, a Groovy DSL we built on top of Google APIs.

After a while working with the Google API Java Library I realized I was repeating lot of lines of code in every project so I wrote a small DSL (domain specific language), who offer the power of these APIs to users without specific programming knowledges Groogle is a DSL in Groovy who allows to the user work with Drive, Sheet, Gmail and more Google Services without the complexity of Java projects. Only edit the script with your editor and run it from a terminal.

In this talk I'll guide to you how easy is to create a new DSL using Groovy and let the user the freedom to write programs they understand basically because they are using their own language.


Source code: https://gitlab.com/groogle
Slides: https://groogle.gitlab.io/slides/apacheConf.html
Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/288410861/

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2022

Junio 2022: Demistifying "Event" related software concepts and methodologies

No matter exactly what type of software you are building, at least a few terms starting with the word "event" must have tried to invade your professional space. "Event-driven" has already evolved to the level of a magical buzzword in IT marketing and sales activities.

But the tech terms list is much longer. It includes "event streaming","event storming","event sourcing","event store", "event modeling","event notification","event-carried state transfer",...

Getting dizzy already? Don't worry. Many developers feel this way.

This talk is an “event-dizziness” cure. It'll walk you through the entire "event land" and explain what is what. It’ll discuss the origins, intention, and applicability of each term. So the next time you face the "event-driven" label, you can ask the right questions and make educated choices.

About the Speaker: Milen Dyankov.

Milen is a Developer Advocate at AxonIQ on a mission to help fellow Java developers around the globe design and build clean, modular, and future-proof software! After more than 20 years of developing, designing, and consulting on various solutions for leading European companies, he currently spends most of his time supporting communities and organizations, speaking at conferences all over the world and researching his favorite topics around Java modularity, μservices, distributed systems architecture, and software craftsmanship.


martes, 7 de junio de 2022

Madrid-GUG Junio 2022: Tomando el pulso a la ciudad

Volvemos con nuestro primer meetup presencial desde Febrero de 2020. Nuestro compañero Jorge Aguilera (@pvidasoftware) nos va a hablar sobre Kafka, Micronaut y Okteto en una charla muy interesante y práctica.

Tomando el pulso a la ciudad: Jugando con Micronaut, Kafka y Okteto para analizar en tiempo real el estado del tráfico de Madrid.

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid dispone de un OpenData, que se refresca cada 5 minutos, con las mediciones del estado del tráfico en las calles (cerca de 4000 puntos). Por otra parte existen cerca de 500 cámaras repartidas por la ciudad accesibles que se actualizan también en tiempo casi real.

En esta charla vamos a desarrollarnos un sistema tal que:
- descargue en tiempo real las mediciones
- mantenga un estado de cada una de ellas de los últimos 20-30 minutos
- si detecta saturación en algún punto, capturará las cámaras cercanas y mandará una notificación a un canal.

Para ello crearemos una serie de servicios Micronaut que hablarán entre ellos de forma desacoplada usando Kafka y todos ellos en un cluster Kubernetes.

La idea es desarrollarlo en directo desde cero y desplegarlo en producción en Okteto (así que si algo puede fallar, no lo dudes, lo hará)


Código: https://puravida-software.gitlab.io/pulso-madrid/
Documentacion: https://gitlab.com/puravida-software/pulso-madrid
Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/285795623/

martes, 26 de abril de 2022

Madrid-GUG Abril 2022 (Online): Groovy 4 Update

We have a new guest in our group. This time VP Apache Groovy and Chair of the Apache Groovy PMC, Dr Paul King (@paulk_asert) will talk (in English) about "Groovy 4 Update":

This talk looks at the latest features in Groovy 4. Groovy 4 builds on the reworked parrot parser introduced in Groovy 3 adding records, sealed classes, switch expressions and a language integrated query mechanism. In addition, numerous large scale refactoring efforts streamline the Groovy codebase, there are new built-in type checkers and macro methods, a JavaShell, design-by-contract support, TOML parsing and building support, and alignment of numerous features with Java up to JDK 17.

About Paul: Dr Paul King is a JavaOne Rockstar who has been contributing to open source projects for over 30 years. He is an active committer on numerous projects including Groovy, GPars and Gradle. Paul speaks at international conferences, publishes in software magazines and journals, and is a co-author of Manning’s best-seller: Groovy in Action, 2nd Edition. He is also VP Apache Groovy and Chair of the Apache Groovy PMC.



Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/285134197/