miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2021

Madrid-GUG Diciembre 2021 (Online): What’s new in Grails 5

We have a new guest in our group. This time Grails Product Lead, Puneet Behl (@puneetbhl) will talk (in English) about "What's new in Grails 5":

In this session, we will highlight what’s new in Grails 5, Micronaut Integration, Groovy 3, and the current developments around Grails framework. - What’s new in Grails 5 - Differences between Grails 4 and Grails 5 - Key upgrades and new features - Publishing Grails Plugins - What Micronaut integration means for you - What to expect from the upgrade effort going forward


Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/282444513/

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

Madrid-GUG Noviembre 2021 (Online): Micronaut + AOP: A Love Story

We have a new guest in our group. This time Micronaut Product Lead at OCI, James Kleeh (@Schlogen) will talk (in English) about Micronaut framework and AOP:

Micronaut framework uses Aspect Oriented Programming to make the lives of developers easier by allowing a simple interface to query a database, send a message with Kafka, send an HTTP request, and much more. Join me to see how AOP in Micronaut framework works, what use cases it excels at, and how you can leverage it to write custom integrations with other technologies.


Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/281838613/

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021

Madrid-GUG Octubre 2021: Micronaut "Ask Me Anything"

Volvemos a la carga con un nuevo formato. Vamos a organizar un Ask Me Anything (AMA) con los committers de Micronaut Iván López (@ilopmar) y Sergio del Amo (@sdelamo). El maestro de ceremonias será Jorge Aguilera (@jagedn).

Queremos que puedas preguntar todo aquello que siempre te ha pasado por la cabeza pero que nunca te has atrevido: cómo se organiza el equipo, cómo se prioriza, cómo se deciden las issues, quién trabaja en qué, cómo es trabajar en un proyecto opensource, cotilleos, herramientas,... ¡Lo que quieras!

Vamos a emitirlo en directo en nuestro canal de Youtube y podréis hacer las preguntas directamente en el chat.

martes, 20 de abril de 2021

Madrid-GUG Abril 2021 (Online): Try the Monad!

 In this online talk Luis Muñiz (@emfanitek) will talk Try the Monad!

Introducing something like the Vavr Try Monad in your backend API has consequences throughout all the layers of your application. This talk looks at motivation issues, and solutions to adopting this style.



Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/277438499/

martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

Madrid-GUG Marzo 2021 (Online): En mi cluster funciona

 En esta charla online Jorge Aguilera (@jagedn) nos contará que En mi cluster funciona:

Desplegando en prod nuestra primera aplicación Micronaut en Kubernetes de la mano de Okteto.

En esta sesión intentaré (sic) mostrar en directo cómo crear un api en Micronaut y desplegarla en Internet utilizando la capa gratuita que ofrece Okteto.

La idea es ir mostrando paso a paso cómo crear una aplicación, depurarla en el propio cluster y por último hacerla accesible desde Internet, explicando de forma básica los detalles de Kubernetes.

Para hacerla interesante instanciaremos una base de datos posgresql y usaremos micronaut-data para crear un CRUD y si nos da tiempo veremos cómo desplegarla automáticamente en nuestro CD/CI.

- No esperes mucha profundidad en los conceptos de Kubernetes pues mi experiencia es sólo jugando con ello
- La idea es hacer un live coding así que si algo puede fallar fallará


Código y cheat-sheet: https://gitlab.com/puravida-software/charla-micronaut-y-okteto/-/tree/master
Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/276810365/

martes, 2 de febrero de 2021

Madrid-GUG Febrero 2021 (Online): Leveraging Gradle @ Netflix

En esta charla online Roberto Pérez Alcolea (@rpalcolea) nos hablará de Leveraging Gradle @ Netflix:

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility, build reproducibility and performance. Over the years, this tool has evolved and introduced new concepts and features around dependency management, publication and other aspects on build and release of artifacts for the Java platform.

Keeping up to date with all these features across several projects can be challenging. How do you make sure that all your projects can be upgraded to the latest version of Gradle? What if you have thousands of projects and hundreds of engineers? How can you abstract common tasks for them and make sure that new releases work as expected?

At Netflix, we built Nebula, a collection of Gradle plugins that helps engineers remove boilerplate in Gradle build files, and makes building software the Netflix way easy. This reduces the cognitive load on developers, allowing them to focus on writing code.

In this talk, I’ll share with you our philosophy on how to build JVM artifacts and the pieces that help us boost the productivity of engineers at Netflix. I’ll talk about:
- What is Nebula
- What are the common problems we face and try to solve
- How we distribute it to every JVM engineer
- How we ensure that Nebula/Gradle changes do not break builds so we can ship new features with confidence at Netflix. 



Sobre Roberto
Roberto Perez Alcolea is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix. He is a member of the Java Platform team providing the core language and framework components that enable the Java community at Netflix. He's an active maintainer of Netflix Nebula Plugins (https://nebula-plugins.github.io/) and passionate about Gradle. Prior to that, he spent several years building high performant APIs with Ratpack and web applications using Grails.




Enlace al meetup: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/madrid-gug/events/275741914/